Friday, February 22, 2013

Heart Touching Story About Sincerity and Loyalty of a Dog

For the past 6 years, a Dog called Capitán has slept next to the grave of his owner every night at 6pm.His owner, Miguel Guzmán died in 2006.Capitán, the dog, disappeared while the family attended the funeral services. A week later relatives of Guzmán were visiting the cemetery when they were astounded to find the dog next to the owner's grave.The cemetery director says that the dog comes around each night at 6pm, and has done so for the past 6 years!

This sweet story shows the sincerity and loyalty of a dog to his owner. So i guess Dog is the most sincere creature in the world. Right?

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  1. That's why I would rather have a dog than a woman.

    1. Your comment made me chuckle. The dog certainly was faithful to his owner even after death. Men & women should show the same faithfulness to their better halves. Thank God I have a great man who truly loves me & I love him.
